Monday, June 9, 2008

Wilmington Azaleas juried in to show

I am happy to announce that my oil painting "Wilmington Azaleas" was juried into Wayne County's (NC) 29th Annual National Juried Fine Arts Exhibition. There were over 300 entries and only 54 chosen for the exhibit.

I originally painted this as part of the monthly landscape challenge on the online art community Wet Canvas! I felt it was a good subject for me living in NC and having visited town of Wilmington recently.

On another note, I have a number of new dog prints available, I have been painting like crazy. New breeds include Belgian Terverun, Mini Schnauzer, Smooth Fox Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Whippets, and several others.

Also have been working on an oil portrait for a client in England of her beautiful and rare sighthound, an Azawakh. I will post a photo of it when it is finished.